Ecumenism as an umbrella for theologies A proposal to strengthen its capacity for plurality

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Sabine Pemsel-Maier


For various reasons, denominationally practiced theology is under a certain pressure to legitimise itself. However, the loss of relevance of denominational formations has implications beyond a loss of knowledge. Above all, Christian theologies of all denominations face challenges posed by religious pluralisation, a growing religious distance, and an ecumenically oriented Public Theology towards an ‘ecumenism of the second and third kind’. The author proposes a future theology that promotes ecumenism as an umbrella of theologies that also serves as a resource for creating space for plurality without altogether abandoning denominational profiles. Ecumenism, as an umbrella of theologies, focuses on the unifying aspects of Christianity without negating or dissolving existing differences. It emphasises the commonalities of life within the church and the world, and common challenges. It calls for stepping beyond one’s own familiar but limited horizon and towards other horizons of
theology, the world, and the church; thus, it also has a  criteriological function. Last but not least, ecumenism as an umbrella of theologies also offers new economic potential.

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How to Cite
Pemsel-Maier, S. (2023). Ecumenism as an umbrella for theologies: A proposal to strengthen its capacity for plurality. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 6(2), 37–55. Retrieved from
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